A quick jaunt through a well-loved space revealed secrets hiding in plain sight.
SO MUCH!! After quite a dry spell, what a gift it was to carry out bags and baskets full of the forest's abundance! Let's take a look at what we found:
This of course isn't an exhaustive list—we also found Rodmanii, Russulas, some Leccinum, and so many hooves!
As they say, all mushrooms are edible once.
Use caution when consuming wild foods. No mushroom will harm you by touching it, smelling it, or even licking it. It is the actual swallowing and consumption we want to be aware of.
That being said, 99% of edible wild mushrooms should be thoroughly cooked before consuming to avoid gastrointestinal distress. If you're unsure how an edible mushroom will affect you, try a small amount and wait several hours before trying more, to see how your body reacts.
Fresh mushrooms should be stored in a cool, dry place, around 38°-42°F. Field cleaning your mushrooms is the best way to keep them tidy and limit your prep work later. Do not rinse mushrooms in water until you're ready to use them; this helps prevent rot and lengthen their freshness.
Should you choose to dehydrate your mushrooms, please note that your finished product is still considered raw, and should be cooked before consuming.